The Festival of Britain 1951 in the Valleys

This blog post tells the story of local celebrations linked to the National Festival of Britain 1951 through objects in our collection, such as a theatre safety curtain and paper dresses. In [...]


Jazz Bands of the South Wales Valleys, 1926

Jazz Bands in 1926 – A political and social history. In 1926, the country experienced a bitter general strike followed, in some areas, by a longer lock-out in the coal industry. The event [...]


The Life of Bernard Baldwin, Founder of the Nos Galan Races – Part 2

Welcome back to the second part of the Bernard Baldwin blogs! This article is inspired by the objects from the Cynon Valley Museum collection, which are featured throughout. They concern the [...]


The Life of Bernard Baldwin, Founder of the Nos Galan Races – Part 1

This article is inspired by the objects from the Cynon Valley Museum collection, which will be featured throughout. They concern an event, the Nos Galan Race, founded by Bernard Baldwin in 1958. [...]


A Walking Tour of Aberdare’s Jewish History

The Jewish community in Aberdare dates from the 1860s. Slater’s Directory of South Wales for 1858/59 includes the name of Harris Freedman, and Lyons and Hyman are listed as trading in Aberdare as [...]

A historic walk around Aberdare town centre

Many of us visit Aberdare for shopping and social purposes, but how well do we know and observe it as we walk around? This post reveals some of the histories of Aberdare Town Centre, including [...]