Bilingual Post (please scroll down for the English): Mae Amgueddfa Cwm Cynon am benodi! Rydym angen rheolwr datblygu i weithio yn ein hamgueddfa sydd wrth galon y gymuned Cysylltwch a ni am [...]
Bilingual Post: Amgueddfa Cwm Cynon Nicholas Evans: Ei fywyd, ei arddull Gweithdy ‘Sgwrs a Pheintio’ gyda artistiaid Kath Jones a Karin Mear Dydd Iau 29 Awst 5.30-8.30yh Dysgwch am [...]
Bilingual post: Dewch i weld ein heitemau Eisteddfodau newydd yn y Cwtch Rydyn ni’n gyffrous am yr Eisteddfod! Dewch i weld ein heitemau Eisteddfodau newydd yn y Cwtch. Mae llawer mwy yn [...]
The Early Eisteddfodau – by Steven Graham As excitement builds for the first Valleys National Eisteddfod in decades in Pontypridd this August, Cynon Valley Museum Trust is pleased to be [...]
This August in our Lower Gallery.. Cynon Valley Museum proudly presents the Miners Tribute Exhibition, a visual record by regional artist & documentary photographer Walter Waygood August [...]
Bilingual Post: Ydych chi’n gyffrous am yr Eisteddfod yn RhCT yr haf hwn? Are you excited about the Eisteddfod in RCT this summer? Mae’r cwpwrdd hwn yn arddangos gwrthrychau a [...]
Cynon Valley Museum Aberdare is Hiring for a Full Time Development Manager! Please contact Lucy Bateman on for a full job description and more information [...]
Join Us – Saturday 13 July 11.00-13.00 Please join us at the Cynon Valley Museum and learn about this fascinating Unitarian Chapel, and its links with the National Eisteddfod, Aberdare in [...]
Cynon Valley Museum Open Art Exhibition & Comp July 2024 & Celebration Event Sat 20th July, 2.30-5.00pm featuring live music from Head Noise & a Prize Giving Ceremony Our Open Art [...]
Bilingual Text: Please scroll down for the English: Hysbysiad Pwysig – Amgueddfa ar gau dros-dro ar gyfer hyfforddiant staff : Dydd Gwener 24 Mai 12.30yp-3.30yp yn unig. Ymddiheurwn am yr [...]