Interfaith Day at Cynon Valley Museum

Interfaith Day at Cynon Valley Museum

Cynon Valley Museum is taking part in Interfaith week 2021 with a special event taking place this Saturday at the museum in partnership with RCT Council’s Community Safety Partnership.

Saturday will see the awarding of prizes for competition for 10-18 year olds to design a poster themed around faith and belief. You still have time to take part, send in your submissions by 11am Saturday 20th November. All entrants will go on display in the museum on the day for all to see and celebrate in a special exhibition. There will be much more to do at the museum this Saturday.


Trail Activities

There will be plenty more for families to do at the museum this Saturday with three different trails available so why not pick one or maybe all three and take part in the exploring different religions trail, the health historian trail and the home artefact hunt.


Design Your Own Poster

As part of the day children will be able to design their own posters based on the theme of belief and faith.


Find Out More About Belief and Faith in the Cynon Valley

Explore the museum collection in the museum and online, on display in the museum you will find displays from many of the Valley’s chapels you will find everything from crockery to banners on display in the museum. Whilst online you can see in-depth research into the museums collection including articles on history of belief and faith in the Cynon Valley and explore our project with the Jewish History Association of South Wales revealing the Jewish heritage in the Cynon Valley.

Find out more about objects in the collection here: Stories from the Collection

Find out more about Jewish heritage here: Jewish Heritage in the Cynon Valley

Do you think something is missing from history of faith and belief in the Cynon Valley? Make sure to let us know what is missing so we can ensure we are working towards telling the whole history of our valley.

If you have a story to share, a history we need to research more or an artefact you think should be in the collection which you like to donate come to the museum front desk to record your enquiry and we can share RCT Heritage Services who manage and care for the collection.


Visit Us

Cynon Valley Museum will be open to the public from 10am to 3pm. Entry is free.

For current Covid-19 guidance please follow the link: Covid-19 Guidance

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