GAIR AM GRAIRDYDD GWENER YMA! // THIS FRIDAY!Dewch am baned a sgwrs yn Gymraeg a chyfle i archwilio casgliadau Amgueddfa Cwm Cynon. Grŵp anffurfiol a chyfeillgar sy’n cwrdd yn fisol i [...]
Happy Christmas / Nadolig llawen Make a Paper Christmas Wreath with Karin Mear at Cynon Valley MuseumWednesday 18th December, 1.30-3.30pmBooking essential!Please phone 01685886729£2 or Pay As You [...]
Now open / Ar agor! Cynon Valley Museum are proud to be displaying the IB Cymru (International Brigade Wales) Exhibition here in our Mezzanine Gallery this December & next January. Come down [...]