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Hysbysiad Pwysig –

Amgueddfa ar gau dros-dro ar gyfer hyfforddiant staff : Dydd Gwener 24 Mai

12.30yp-3.30yp yn unig.

Ymddiheurwn am yr anghyfleustra ond bydd yr Amgueddfa ar gau dros-dro ddydd Gwener, 24 Mai, rhwng 12.30yp a 3.30yp. Mae hyn oherwydd hyfforddiant hanfodol i’r staff.
Bydd yr Amgueddfa yn ail-agor i’r cyhoedd ddydd Sadwrn, 25 Mai, 9.30yb-3.30yp fel arfer. Diolch i chi am eich dealltwriaeth.

Important Notice –

We apologise for the inconvenience but the Museum will be temporarily closed this Friday afternoon, 24th May, between 12.30pm-3.30pm. This is due to essential staff training.

The museum will reopen to the public Saturday 25th May, 9.30-3.30pm as usual. Thanks for your understanding.

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