The Modern Face of Co-ops in Wales
This photography exhibition features work from contemporary Welsh photographers created from 2015-2021. Presented by the Wales Co-operative Centre to celebrate the 250th Anniversary of the birth of Robert Owen, it brings together the work of artists whose images feature co-operative businesses building a stronger, fairer, more co-operative Wales.

Photographer: Philip Griffiths
4CG is a co-operative organisation set up to “advance community development through the regeneration of Cardigan and the surrounding area”. It was set up by a small group of locals that strongly felt there were many opportunities within Cardigan to increase community cohesion, enhance the surroundings and to take small steps to help improve the local economy – and that a determined and focussed organisation could make a difference.
Ffotograffydd: Philip Griffiths
Mae 4CG yn sefydliad cydweithredol a ffurfiwyd i “hyrwyddo datblygiad cymunedol trwy adfywio Aberteifi a’r ardal o gwmpas”. Cafodd ei sefydlu gan grŵp bach o bobl leol oedd yn teimlo’n gryf bod llawer o gyfleoedd yn Aberteifi i gynyddu cydlyniad cymunedol, gwella ein hamgylchedd, ac i gymryd camau bach i helpu i wella’r economi lleol – ac y gallai sefydliad llawn brwdfrydedd a phenderfyniad wneud gwahaniaeth.

Cwmni Bro Ffestiniog
Photographer: Richard Williams
In the Ffestiniog area there is a community of vibrant and successful social enterprises and businesses. Many of them aim to tackle local issues head on while also contributing creatively and sustainably to the future of the area. They have come together in order to co-operate for the benefit of the whole area and to offer sustainable opportunities ranging from the creative, care, environment, building and sustainable tourism sector.
Cwmni Bro Ffestiniog
Ffotograffydd: Richard Williams
Mae cymuned o fentrau cymdeithasol a busnesau bywiog a llwyddiannus yn ardal Ffestiniog. Nod llawer ohonyn nhw yw mynd i’r afael â materion lleol yn uniongyrchol, gan gyfrannu’n greadigol ac yn gynaliadwy at ddyfodol yr ardal ar yr un pryd. Maen nhw wedi dod at ei gilydd i gydweithredu er budd yr ardal gyfan, ac i gynnig cyfleoedd cynaliadwy yn y sectorau creadigol, gofal, amgylcheddol, adeiladu a thwristiaeth gynaliadwy.

Arfon Timber Co-operative
Photographer: Mike Dean
Arfon Timber is a workers’ co-operative, a social enterprise owned and operated by its members. With over 65 years of collective experience in the traditional construction trade, its members have the skills and experience to create anything and everything possible in wood. Their passion lies in fusing cutting edge design with time honoured techniques; making stunning buildings that last for generations. They work almost exclusively in Welsh grown timber, cut at their own sawmill in Bethesda. Increasing the use of strong, durable homegrown timber, thus reducing timber miles and environmental impact, is a core part of its ethos.
Cwmni Cydweithredol Arfon Timber
Ffotograffydd: Mike Dean
Cwmni cydweithredol y gweithwyr yw Arfon Timber, menter gymdeithasol sy’n eiddo i’w haelodau ac sy’n cael ei gweithredu ganddynt. Gyda dros 65 mlynedd o brofiad ar y cyd yn y fasnach adeiladu draddodiadol, mae’r aelodau’n meddu ar y sgiliau a’r profiad i greu pob math o bethau o bren. Eu hangerdd yw cyfuno dylunio arloesol gyda thechnegau traddodiadol; creu adeiladau trawiadol sy’n goroesi am genedlaethau. Maen nhw’n gweithio bron yn gyfan gwbl gyda phren sy’n cael ei dyfu yng Nghymru, wedi’i dorri yn eu melin lifio eu hunain ym Methesda. Mae cynyddu’r defnydd o bren cryf, gwydn wedi’u dyfu gartref, gan leihau milltiroedd pren a lliniaru’r effaith amgylcheddol, yn rhan greiddiol o’i ethos.

Aura Leisure and Libraries
Photographer: Keith Freeburn
Aura is a charitable, not-for-profit, organisation which, on 1 September 2017, took over the management of the majority of leisure centres and libraries previously operated directly by Flintshire County Council. Aura is a co-operative owned by its employees. Its financial surplus is reinvested into facilities and services to improve the customer experience and to sustain and enhance the offer for future generations. Managing four leisure centres – which include three swimming pools, an ice-skating rink, an indoor skate park, 3G sports pitches, a ten-pin bowling alley and a spa – and seven libraries, Aura employs over 260 staff.
Hamdden a Llyfrgelloedd Aura
Ffotograffydd: Keith Freeburn
Sefydliad elusennol, dielw yw Aura, ac ar 1 Medi 2017, fe gymerodd reolaeth o’r rhan fwyaf o ganolfannau hamdden a llyfrgelloedd a oedd yn cael eu rhedeg yn uniongyrchol gan Gyngor Sir y Fflint cyn hynny. Mae Aura yn gwmni cydweithredol sy’n eiddo i’w weithwyr. Mae ei warged ariannol yn cael ei ail-fuddsoddi mewn cyfleusterau a gwasanaethau i wella profiad y cwsmer ac i gynnal a gwella’r adnoddau ar gyfer cenedlaethau’r dyfodol. Mae Aura’n rheoli pedair canolfan hamdden – sy’n cynnwys tri phwll nofio, llawr sglefrio iâ, parc sglefrolio dan do, caeau chwaraeon 3G, canolfan bowlio deg a sba – a saith llyfrgell, ac yn cyflogi dros 260 o staff.

Awel Aman Tawe
Photographer: Philip Griffiths
Awel is a co-operative which owns and runs two 2.35MW Enercon wind turbines on Mynydd y Gwrhyd, 20 miles north of Swansea. These turbines produce clean, low carbon energy – estimated to be 12,558 MWh of clean energy a year, enough to supply over 2,500 homes. Profits support projects tackling fuel poverty and developing other renewable energy projects. The team behind this co-op also manage Egni Solar Co-op which has installed 179kW of solar on seven local community buildings, the largest rollout of solar in Welsh history.
Awel Aman Tawe
Ffotograffydd: Philip Griffiths
Cwmni cydweithredol yw Awel sy’n berchen ar ac yn rhedeg dau dyrbin gwynt 2.35MW Enercon ar Fynydd y Gwrhyd, 20 milltir i’r gogledd o Abertawe. Mae’r tyrbinau hyn yn cynhyrchu ynni glân, carbon isel – amcangyfrifir y cynhyrchir 12,558 MWh o ynni glân y flwyddyn, digon i gyflenwi dros 2,500 o gartrefi. Mae elw’r fenter yn cefnogi prosiectau sy’n mynd i’r afael â thlodi tanwydd ac yn datblygu prosiectau ynni adnewyddadwy eraill. Mae’r tîm y tu ôl i’r fenter gydweithredol hon yn rheoli Egni Solar Co-op hefyd, sydd wedi gosod gwerth 179kW o baneli solar ar saith adeilad cymunedol lleol, y cynllun solar mwyaf yn hanes Cymru.

Brithdir Mawr Housing Co-operative
Photographer: James Davies
More than 100 people have come through the doors of Brithdir Mawr in Pembrokeshire in the past quarter of a century, learning how to live sustainably with nature, growing their own food, generating their own energy and creating a co-operative community, in the truest sense of the word. Living together on an 80 acre farm, people work towards a lifestyle that leaves the local and global environment healthier for future generations. The benefits of collective living outweigh the difficulties; so that working together is easier and more enjoyable than working separately; and everyone can flourish and feel at home.
Cwmni Tai Cydweithredol Brithdir Mawr
Ffotograffydd: James Davies
Mae mwy na 100 o bobl wedi dod trwy ddrysau Brithdir Mawr yn Sir Benfro yn ystod y chwarter canrif diwethaf, gan ddysgu sut i fyw’n gynaliadwy gyda natur, tyfu eu bwyd eu hunain, cynhyrchu eu hynni eu hunain a chreu cymuned gydweithredol, yng ngwir ystyr y gair. Gan fyw gyda’i gilydd ar fferm 80 erw, mae pobl yn gweithio tuag at ffordd o fyw sy’n gadael yr amgylchedd lleol a byd-eang yn iachach ar gyfer cenedlaethau’r dyfodol. Mae manteision byw ar y cyd yn mwy na gwneud iawn am yr anawsterau; fel bod cydweithio’n haws ac yn fwy pleserus na gweithio ar wahân; a bod pawb yn gallu ffynnu a theimlo’n gartrefol.

Calon Wen Organic Milk Co-operative
Photographer: Kiran Ridley
Calon Wen is a group of 25 organic family run farms across Wales. It believes in providing exceptional organic products that taste great and are sustainably produced. Its dedicated farmers like to keep things simple, ensuring the cows are properly looked after and graze on the fresh, clover rich pastures which have not been treated with sprays or chemicals.
It pays its farmers for the quality as well as the quantity of milk they produce, which means they’re not pushed towards high yielding systems. Calon Wen is now a leading brand in Wales, supplying Tesco, Morrisons & Waitrose, and many other independent retailers across Wales.
Cwmni Cydweithredol Llaeth Organig Calon Wen
Ffotograffydd: Kiran Ridley
Grŵp o 25 o ffermydd teuluol organig ledled Cymru yw Calon Wen. Mae’n credu mewn darparu cynhyrchion organig eithriadol sy’n blasu’n wych ac sy’n cael eu cynhyrchu’n gynaliadwy. Mae ei ffermwyr ymroddedig yn hoffi cadw pethau’n syml, gan sicrhau bod y gwartheg yn derbyn gofal priodol ac yn pori ar borfeydd ffres, llawn meillion sydd heb eu trin â chwistrellau neu gemegion.
Mae’n talu i’w ffermwyr am ansawdd yn ogystal â faint o laeth maen nhw’n ei gynhyrchu, sy’n golygu nad ydyn nhw’n cael eu gwthio tuag at systemau cynnyrch uchel. Mae Calon Wen yn frand blaenllaw yng Nghymru erbyn hyn, sy’n cyflenwi Tesco, Morrisons a Waitrose, a llawer o fanwerthwyr annibynnol eraill ledled Cymru.

Cartrefi Cymru
Photographer: Alan Denny
Cartrefi Cymru Co-op is a not-for-profit organisation. It mainly supports people with learning disabilities in Wales. Its members are drawn from its 1200 employees, 650 people it supports and thousands of friends, family members and supporters. All these people work together with the shared aim of building local communities and making Cartrefi as good a support provider as it can be. Being a member-owned co-op offers a great opportunity for people to come together in local Co-op Forums, to share their talents and ideas, and to make decisions as equals.
Cartrefi Cymru
Ffotograffydd: Alan Denny
Mae menter gydweithredol Cartrefi Cymru yn sefydliad dielw. Yn bennaf, mae’n cefnogi pobl ag anableddau dysgu yng Nghymru. Daw ei aelodau o’i 1,200 o weithwyr, 650 o bobl y mae’n eu cefnogi a miloedd o ffrindiau, aelodau teuluoedd a chefnogwyr. Mae’r holl bobl hyn yn cydweithio gyda’r nod cyffredin o greu cymunedau lleol a gwneud Cartrefi Cymru yn gystal darparwr cymorth ag y gall fod. Mae bod yn fenter gydweithredol sy’n eiddo i aelodau’n cynnig cyfle gwych i bobl ddod at ei gilydd mewn Fforymau Cydweithredol lleol, i rannu eu doniau a’u syniadau, ac i wneud penderfyniadau ar sail gyfartal.

Coed Organic
Photographer: Patrick Olner
Coed Organic is a 5-acre, organic market garden at Coed Hills, on the edge of St Hilary, near Cowbridge. Vegetables are sold to customers in Cardiff and around the Vale of Glamorgan through a veg box scheme and at the Riverside farmers market in Cardiff. It is a workers’ co-operative.
Coed Organic
Ffotograffydd: Patrick Olner
Mae Coed Organic yn ardd farchnad organig 5 erw yn Coed Hills, ar gyrion Saint Hilari, ger y Bont-faen. Mae llysiau’n cael eu gwerthu i gwsmeriaid yng Nghaerdydd ac o gwmpas Bro Morgannwg trwy gynllun bocs llysiau, ac ym marchnad ffermwyr Glanyrafon yng Nghaerdydd. Mae’n gwmni cydweithredol y gweithwyr.

Cardiff Taxi Co-operative (Drive)
Photographer: Patrick Olner
The Cardiff Taxi Co-operative Limited was formed by eight licensed taxi drivers in the summer of 2018. Better known as Drive, it was set up in response to the way self-employed drivers were being treated by the more established and traditional taxi firms in the city. The member drivers all felt that there was a fairer way of doing things, where drivers could feel in complete control of their own destiny. Every decision is made by the membership in a democratic way in the best interests of the company and its members.
Cwmni Tacsi Cydweithredol Caerdydd (Drive)
Ffotograffydd: Patrick Olner
Ffurfiwyd y cwmni Cardiff Taxi Co-operative Limited gan wyth gyrrwr tacsi trwyddedig yn ystod haf 2018. Yn fwy adnabyddus fel Drive, fe’i sefydlwyd mewn ymateb i sut roedd gyrwyr hunangyflogedig yn cael eu trin gan gwmnïau tacsi mwy sefydledig a thraddodiadol yn y ddinas. Roedd yr aelod-yrwyr i gyd yn teimlo bod ffordd decach o wneud pethau, lle gallai gyrwyr deimlo eu bod yn rheoli eu tynged eu hunain yn llwyr. Mae pob penderfyniad yn cael ei wneud gan yr aelodaeth mewn ffordd ddemocrataidd er lles gorau’r cwmni a’i aelodau.

Gateway Dental Practice
Photographer: Patrick Olner
Gateway OHS Limited operates four NHS dental surgeries in Abergavenny. In 2016, the principal dentist Mick Allen wanted to step back and rather than sell-out to a big corporate dental firm, he made the decision to transfer ownership to the company’s employees. This enabled Mick to leave the business in the hands of people who had been entrusted with the business over the years and who were passionate about seeing it prosper.
Practis Deintyddol Gateway
Ffotograffydd: Patrick Olner
Mae Gateway OHS Limited yn rhedeg pedair meddygfa ddeintyddol y GIG yn y Fenni. Yn 2016, roedd y prif ddeintydd Mick Allen am gamu’n ôl ac yn hytrach na gwerthu i gwmni deintyddol corfforaethol mawr, penderfynodd drosglwyddo perchnogaeth i weithwyr y cwmni. Galluogodd hyn i Mick adael y busnes yn nwylo pobl yr oedd wedi ymddiried ei fusnes iddyn nhw dros y blynyddoedd ac a oedd yn angerddol am ei weld yn ffynnu.

Gower Power Co-operative
Photographer: Philip Griffiths
Gower Power Co-op CIC is a community co-operative owned and controlled by its members. It develops renewable energy projects (including a solar energy farm and electric vehicle charging points), puts these projects into community ownership and provides asset management and administrative services. Over the past three years in Swansea alone, it’s successfully put over £1.5 million of renewable energy assets into community ownership across three projects and helped to establish over £2m in social impact funds for the benefit of the Swansea community.
Cwmni Cydweithredol Gower Power
Ffotograffydd: Philip Griffiths
Cwmni cydweithredol cymunedol yw Gower Power sy’n eiddo i’w aelodau ac sy’n cael ei reoli ganddyn nhw. Mae’n datblygu prosiectau ynni adnewyddadwy (gan gynnwys fferm ynni solar a phwyntiau gwefru cerbydau trydan), yn rhoi’r prosiectau hyn mewn perchnogaeth gymunedol ac yn darparu gwasanaethau rheoli asedau a gweinyddol. Dros y tair blynedd diwethaf yn Abertawe yn unig, mae wedi llwyddo i roi dros £1.5 miliwn o asedau ynni adnewyddadwy mewn perchnogaeth gymunedol rhwng tri phrosiect, ac mae wedi helpu i sefydlu dros £2 filiwn mewn cronfeydd effaith gymdeithasol er budd cymuned Abertawe.

Le Public Space
Photographer: Philip Griffiths
Le Pub was a nationally acclaimed music venue in Newport, with a loyal community of customers. But in 2017 it closed its doors, when the building it was based in was sold. A group of staff and regulars decided to join together and raise the money to buy their own venue – bigger, more central, with better facilities and access for all. Le Public Space is now a premier independent live arts venue in South Wales, owned by the community, for the community.
Le Public Space
Ffotograffydd: Philip Griffiths
Roedd Le Pub yn lleoliad cerddoriaeth o fri cenedlaethol yng Nghasnewydd, gyda chymuned ffyddlon o gwsmeriaid. Ond caeodd ei ddrysau yn 2017, pan werthwyd yr adeilad ble’i lleolwyd. Penderfynodd grŵp o staff a chwsmeriaid rheolaidd ddod ynghyd a chodi’r arian i brynu eu lleoliad eu hunain – lle mwy o faint, mwy canolog, gyda gwell cyfleusterau a mynediad i bawb. Mae Le Public Space yn un o leoliad celfyddydau byw annibynnol mwyaf blaenllaw’r De erbyn hyn, ac yn eiddo i’r gymuned, er budd y gymuned.

Pengwern Cymunedol
Photographer: Mike Dean
The Pengwern Arms is a community-owned pub and hotel in Llan Ffestiniog. In 2009, the pub was closed, but a determined group of local residents decided to purchase the building and re-open it as a community co-operative. It is now a successful business offering a pub, restaurant and hotel/B&B. As a co-operative, it is run as a democratic community initiative for the benefit of the village and surrounding area.
Pengwern Cymunedol
Ffotograffydd: Mike Dean
Tafarn a gwesty sy’n eiddo i’r gymuned yw’r Pengwern Arms yn Llan Ffestiniog. Caewyd y dafarn yn 2009, ond daeth grŵp penderfynol o drigolion lleol at ei gilydd i brynu’r adeilad a’i ailagor fel cwmni cydweithredol cymunedol. Mae’n fusnes llwyddiannus erbyn hyn sy’n cynnig tafarn, bwyty a gwesty/gwely a brecwast. Fel cwmni cydweithredol, mae’n cael ei redeg fel menter gymunedol ddemocrataidd er budd y pentref a’r cyffiniau.

Photographer: Matthew Bevan
Based in Rhondda Cynon Taf, Trivallis is one of the largest housing associations in Wales and provides over 10,000 homes and a range of services to its customers, their families and its communities. Trivallis is a Community Mutual Housing Organisation, a form of co-operative that gives tenants more governance and control over their homes.
Ffotograffydd: Matthew Bevan
Trivallis yn Rhondda Cynon Taf yw un o’r cymdeithasau tai mwyaf yng Nghymru ac mae’n darparu dros 10,000 o gartrefi ac amrywiaeth o wasanaethau i’w gwsmeriaid, eu teuluoedd a’i chymunedau. Sefydliad Tai Cydfuddiannol Cymunedol yw Trivallis, math o gwmni cydweithredol sy’n rhoi mwy o lywodraethiant a rheolaeth i denantiaid dros eu cartrefi.

White Hart Inn
Photographer: James Davies
For 250 years the White Hart Inn has been at the centre of life in the village of St Dogmaels in Pembrokeshire. It was closed in 2019 and put up for sale but determined not to lose a pivotal part of the village, locals formed the White Hart Community Inn project, a community co-operative, and set about raising the money needed to buy the freehold of the pub and run it as a community. Having raised enough money to buy the White Hart, the group’s offer to purchase was agreed on 18th January 2021. It will continue to be the heart of the village as a place for social gathering, cultural activities, somewhere to meet people and exchange information, and it will promote a cohesive and friendly community in the area.
Tafarn yr Hydd Gwyn
Ffotograffydd: James Davies
Mae Tafarn yr Hydd Gwyn wedi bod yn ganolog i fywyd ym mhentref Llandudoch yn Sir Benfro ers 250 o flynyddoedd. Fe’i caewyd yn 2019 a’i rhoi ar y farchnad i’w gwerthu, ond aeth criw o bobl leol, a oedd yn benderfynol o beidio â cholli rhan ganolog o’r pentref, ati i ffurfio prosiect Tafarn Gymunedol yr Hydd Gwyn, cwmni cydweithredol cymunedol, a mynd ati i godi’r arian a oedd ei angen i brynu rhydd-ddaliad y dafarn a’i rhedeg fel cymuned. Ar ôl codi digon o arian, cytunwyd ar gynnig y grŵp i brynu’r Hydd Gwyn ar 18 Ionawr 2021. Bydd yn parhau i fod yn rhan annatod o’r pentref, fel lle ar gyfer digwyddiadau cymdeithasol, gweithgareddau diwylliannol, rhywle i gyfarfod â phobl a chyfnewid gwybodaeth, a bydd yn hyrwyddo cymuned gydlynol a chyfeillgar yn yr ardal.

Wales Restorative Approaches Partnership
Photographer: Natasha Hirst
WRAP is a co-operative which provides restorative training, practice and consultancy within education, housing, families, communities, businesses and the criminal justice system across Wales. Its aim is building, maintaining and repairing relationships. To be restorative means believing that decisions are best made, and conflicts best resolved, by those most directly affected by them. Restorative practices embrace early intervention, prevention and response and include a focus on accountability and responsibility, openness, mutual respect and inclusion.
Partneriaeth Gweithredu Adferol Cymru (WRAP)
Ffotograffydd: Natasha Hirst
Cwmni cydweithredol yw WRAP sy’n darparu hyfforddiant, ymarfer ac ymgynghoriaeth adferol ym meysydd addysg, tai, teuluoedd, cymunedau, busnesau a’r system cyfiawnder troseddol ledled Cymru. Ei nod yw adeiladu, cynnal ac atgyweirio perthnasoedd. Mae bod yn adferol yn golygu credu mai’r rhai sy’n cael eu heffeithio’n uniongyrchol sydd yn y sefyllfa orau i wneud penderfyniadau a datrys gwrthdaro. Mae arferion adferol yn cwmpasu ymyrraeth gynnar, atal ac ymateb ac yn cynnwys ffocws ar atebolrwydd a chyfrifoldeb, bod yn agored, parch i’r naill a’r llall a chynhwysiant.

Ynni Sir Gâr
Photographer: Philip Griffiths
Ynni Sir Gâr is a co-operative social enterprise based in Carmarthenshire, working within its community to tackle climate change by reducing energy costs, promoting energy efficiency, tackling fuel poverty, generating clean renewable energy and keeping the profits local. It works with communities, third sector bodies, organisations, the public sector, local businesses and schools across west Wales to deliver and maintain energy projects and sustainability measures. It is also part of a network to promote decarbonised transport solutions across Wales, notably through the shared use of electric vehicles and the installation of charge points across rural Wales.
Ynni Sir Gâr
Ffotograffydd: Philip Griffiths
Mae Ynni Sir Gâr yn fenter gymdeithasol gydweithredol yn Sir Gâr. Mae’n gweithio yn ei chymuned i fynd i’r afael â newid hinsawdd, trwy leihau costau ynni, hybu effeithlonrwydd ynni, mynd i’r afael â thlodi tanwydd, cynhyrchu ynni adnewyddadwy glân a chadw’r elw’n lleol. Mae’n gweithio gyda chymunedau, cyrff y trydydd sector, sefydliadau, y sector cyhoeddus, busnesau lleol ac ysgolion ledled y Gorllewin er mwyn cyflawni a chynnal prosiectau ynni a mesurau cynaliadwyedd. Mae’n rhan o rwydwaith i hybu atebion wedi’i ddatgarboneiddio ar gyfer cludiant ledled Cymru hefyd, a hynny’n benodol trwy rannu ceir trydan a gosod pwyntiau gwefru ar draws ardaloedd gwledig Cymru.

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Check out the History Timeline showcasing the origins and developments of Co-operative Societies in the Cynon Valley.