Launching a community memory project
This year has tested our community, first by flooding, then by the spread of the Coronavirus. Our lives have changed and they may never be the same again. Throughout this our community has stayed strong, we have come together when we have needed each other most. We will always remember this difficult time.
Past struggles are remembered in our museums, memories recorded for posterity, in order that future generations know what challenges were faced and how communities overcame them. We must remember what happened in 2020 and show what we have overcome. Cynon Valley Museum is launching Cynon Together. This is a call for you, our community to submit and share your experiences, so that future generations know what it was like. Submit a photo and up to 100 words of text to record your experiences and help make history.
This could be a photo showing your experience as a frontline worker, or social distancing measures your business has introduced to keep your staff and visitors safe. It could be a photo showing what lockdown looked like to you or a photo which represents the struggles you or others have faced at this time.
These images will help all of us remember how the Cynon Valley was affected but overcame these challenges. The Cynon Valley Museum Trust will ensure that these photos and experiences are recorded and will select 60 photos to be shared through our digital exhibition space “Exhibition at Home” over July and August.

We are one valley, we are one community
Submission details
To submit your image and text, send them via email to Please make sure when producing the photograph you do not put yourself or others at risk, and ensure that you are not allowing the spread of Covid-19 by not touching or sharing objects, not visiting unnecessary places and abiding by current social distancing guidelines. The deadline to be part of the first exhibition is Monday 28th June.
Terms & Conditions
Any photograph and text submitted by the act of being submitted to Cynon Valley Museum Trust, grants permission to Cynon Valley Museum Trust to use on the museum’s website, social media streams and in future promotional materials. You reserve the right to withdraw the photograph and text at any time. The Trust will return any material within 90 days of the request for withdrawal.
Submission of a photograph or inclusion in an exhibition does not guarantee that a photograph will be included in the Museum’s collection for prosperity. The photographs will be kept in a digital record by the Cynon Valley Museum Trust. Any donations for the Museum will be made in liaison with the RCT Heritage Service, the legal owners of the collection.
[…] local history and culture that is important for all of us. We are collecting and documenting the Cynon Valley’s experiences of Covid-19. You can share your experiences and create history by sending in your […]
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Good afternoon,
I was wondering if our Domiciliary care company could have a mention in these memories, especially the way way all our staff had to adapted different ways of working in such a quick turnaround, whilst ensuring the Safey and well-being of members of our communities?