Aberdare Camera Club – Aberdare Park

Our exhibition represents a celebration of our treasured Aberdare Park which celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2019.

In collaboration with “The Friends of Aberdare Park” and of the “Cynon Valley Museum” we held a joint exhibition at the museum earlier in 2020 too much acclaim in the community. Our aim was to capture the park through the full year highlighting its many guises as it welcomes the people of our community to enjoy nature, its history, its rich diverse activities and as a place to find peace.

As we find our way through the Corid-19 crisis the park now represents an open space and is as important to our community as ever. We hope that these images remind us of its beauty and the joy that it brings and will bring for generations to follow.

These images form a part of our earlier exhibition with a few new ones thrown in to keep the viewer interested. They represent the work of the majority of our members who were keen to capture their own love of the Park and to share with all.

Autumn WalkL Newcombe
All the ThreesL Davies
JoyL Newcombe
Winter BandstandG Morgan

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